this is not for teaching u how to cheat but just to show u how people cheat... altough people say cheating is bad... but don't lie... we all do a bit of cheating during quiz sometimes.. i know i did.. huhu there are so many ways to cheat in exam... which is not required for u 2 follow... n if u did.. please don't tell that u learn it from me... :D
I found out that people can think of so many ideas on how to cheat.. such as taking pictures, or save it on inbox, writing on tables... this are the typical kind of cheats. i was just searching for how to cheat in exam.. and i come across of these funny ways and sort of creative way to cheat.. well i think so... when look at them.. it make me realize why i didn't think of it earlier.. >_<
cheating is still bad... it's even worst when u got caught. imagine the teacher would go ballistic when he/she caught u in the act.. HORRIFIC..!! then u would realize that it wasn't a good idea in the first place... o.O?
this is an example of the typical cheat.. but u would get anything if the person that u try to peak is writing the wrong answer or didn't know the answer as well... u might think it is correct.. but it may be otherwise..
some tricks are just .... (LoST OF WORDS).. for example...
writing the answer on ur hands, palm or even ur fingernail.. can u even read them??? and is it enough space???? look at the picture.. can read it?? i know i can't... u can even take time and got lost just looking at ur palm.. u might even got nothing...
it can also be seen easily... because its to open.. they might notice it... u might even get caught before u even start ur exam...
same goes for this one...
and this... but this one is even hard 4 u to cheat
and even this style...
ever u considered writing ur answer on ur tshirt?? the teacher could never ask u to remove u shirt..
good idea WhAT..
or just say it was a tattoo.. but for girls it maybe hard... especially when we have to wear formal clothes..
how about trying this style???